Veeam Tweaks

Every now and then, your Veeam server does not behave as you expect it to, or you want to change certain behavior. Then, you have to tweak your server a bit to persuade it to behave differently. Choosing tapes when running a tape job When you create a media pool…

Veeam Guest Credentials test failed

I was trying to add my laptop to my local Veeam Backup & Replication server but was unsuccessful in adding it to a protection group. The error I received was: Veeam Guest Credentials test failed: rpc connection failed First I tried all the obvious… Adding ports to the local firewall……

Backup your homelab… for free!

I was already using the free Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to make a backup of my personal computer to a share on a server running Windows Server. But I didn’t make a backup of my ESXi server running several VMs for my lab environment. When I downloaded the latest…