Upgrading Cloud Director without Admin account credentials

When you want to upgrade VMware Cloud Director you need to have the <admin_username>. At least, that’s what it says when you follow the official documentation. Unfortunately, I didn’t have access to these credentials. The only credentials I had were for the root account. But it turned out you can…

Veeam Guest Credentials test failed

I was trying to add my laptop to my local Veeam Backup & Replication server but was unsuccessful in adding it to a protection group. The error I received was: Veeam Guest Credentials test failed: rpc connection failed First I tried all the obvious… Adding ports to the local firewall……

Reset your Windows password in 5 minutes

Every once in a while you run into a server that is not in a domain and nobody knows the Administrator password. What do you do? When you boot the server with a standard Windows ISO file you go into the recovery options and open a Command window. In that…