Copying Home Assistant configuration to GitHub

After some issues with my Home Assistant setup, I looked at ways to save my configuration files to GitHub. I found a very detailed Youtube video that showed how to do it: However, in the end, the automated solution used an option I did not want to use: “StrictHostKeyChecking=no“.…

DIY Ambilight – part 4

Finally the third USB video grabber arrived. This time I ordered a Gembird UVG-002 with a UTV007 chipset. I plugged it in, booted the PI and started a SSH session. The command lsusb showed me what I wanted to see… The grabber was recognized as a Fushicai USBTV007 video grabber……

DIY Ambilight – part 3

Finally the new LED strip arrived so now I had al the pieces to connect everything together. I started by cutting the LED strip to the desired length. I had a total of 96 LEDs so I cut it in pieces of 8, 21, 38, 21, and 8 LEDs. In…

DIY Ambilight – part 2

A while back I started with an Ambilight project based on a Raspberry PI and Hyperion. All the parts were delivered so I could finish the installation. The last part was to cut the LED strip into 5 pieces and solder them back together so they could be mounted on…

DIY Ambilight

And now for something completely different… A DIY ambilight system. After our move to a new house (at least for us it was new), my wife spoke the famous words “maybe we need a bigger tv”. So the next day I got a new 55″ Samsung that replaced our old…